Hey everyone! I moved my blog to wordpress!!! Stephen convinced me that I needed to switch because 1. it's better and 2. The president of the US even uses it.
So go ahead and find me, book mark me, whatever me now at...
P.S.--No. If Stephen jumped off a cliff I wouldn't do that, too. I'm just giving this new site a try!!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
It's Raining Raspberry Vinaigrette
So I've been a pretty terrible roommate lately and I decided I needed to make it up to her by making her a kick ass dinner. I was told my Chicken Marsala, Marinara Parmesan Risotto, and Raspberry Vinaigrette Spinach salad was a "5 Star" meal so decided that should be the meal I cook. I spend an hour cooking for Jamey and get dinner all nicely plated for the kids and her and we all sit down as one big family at the table to eat. I sit down last and am immersed in catch up conversation since we hadn't talked in a few days. Without looking I reach for the bottle of raspberry vinaigrette and proceed to vigorously shake the bottle to mix up all the ingredient. The problem? In the midst of all the great conversation and taking care of everyone I failed to see that I had already removed the cap off the bottle and when I shook the bottle the contents proceeded to fly everywhere. And when I say everywhere--I mean EVERYWHERE!!!! Big, flowing streaks of black speckled pink liquid are racing down Jamey's white walls...and all over my body. I gasp, cover my mouth with my hand, and Jamey's eyes get as big as saucers as she liked to have a VERY clean house. (The basement is trashed from me still moving in--thus why the "I'm sorry I'm a terrible roommate" make up dinner). The kids hysterically start laughing. I hysterically start laughing. Jamey starts hysterically laughing (and then makes a mad dash for the kitchen to grab a towel) I can barely contain myself as I am dripping with raspberry vinaigrette. The kids are shouting that I have it in my hair and on my shirt and down my body and in my ear. We scrub furiously at the walls to try and get it all cleaned up before any reaches her white carpet. Cons: I didn't get a picture of the wall (which would have been hilarious for all to see) and it did get all over one of my favorite shirts. Pro: The shirt was only $3.00, so if the oil doesn't want to come out in the wash (despite having like a whole bottle of stain stick on it) then it isn't a complete waste of money.
Later we have a conversation with Jakobe (age 8) at the dinner table about how you should talk to women. AKA--The rules of how to deal with women and their mind games. Such things as: Do I look fat in these jeans? Can you tell that I've lost weight? Is she prettier than me? etc., etc., etc....
Jamey: If a woman asks you do I look fat you just tell her she looks beautiful or you won't get any kisses.
Jakobe: Well if she's fat then I wouldn't want to kiss her.
Jamey: Jakobe!!!!
Oh lordy!
Outdoorsy girl??

Is it possible that you can take an indoorsy girl and make her outdoorsy simply by having her do those outdoorsy things with someone she wants to be around??
This is something I'm currently pondering as I am looking through my photos from the weekend. I typically am not much of an outdoorsy kind of girl. I don't like bugs or extreme weather or sweating and smelling all funky or things that put me in a position to look awkward and uncoordinated. However, this weekend (and on Valentine's day for that!!!) I went and played frisbee golf in 15 degree weather and about a foot and a half of snow. If you really know me--you would be shocked that I had even agreed to go and play--or maybe you are wondering if I even agreed and was actually forced?? I even had someone ask me if I had a good time. The kicker? I had an amazing time. I could barely breathe it was so cold and yet I could have stayed out there for hours. I was learning something new and looking like a complete idiot with how terrible I was, but I was having the most amazing time. There was just something about being with someone you could laugh with and look like a complete idiot with and still not be able to wipe off the silly grin plastered on your face.
So...it brings me to my question. Is it possible to turn an indoorsy girl into an outdoorsy girl based on company?? I think yes. It's amazing at what we're willing or even want to do when we have someone worth while to do it with. I found myself thinking today about all the outdoorsy kind of stuff I want to do with this person--things I would have NEVER dreamed of doing. Can you see me hiking?? It's now on my "to-do" list.
Perhaps there is hope for this girl after all!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
What's in a dream?
Ok, I'm blogging about this right now while I could be sleeping (and we all know how much I love sleeping) because I just had the weirdest dream and I don't want to forget it.
So, I was dreaming that I went to this really cool party. It wasn't like this huge party--there was maybe like 5 of us total. I didn't know the people hosting the party but I got the sense that I knew them through either my best friend, Katie, or through my roommate, Jamey. I was there with 1 other girl and the rest were guys. I didn't recognize any of the people from the dream from my real life, but I kind of recognized the people. I think they were like people I had seen off of like CBS shows I've never watched (like The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother)
Anyways, so I'm at this really swanky apartment and it's just really cool. It's like a downtown loft. I'm sitting at like their island and one of the guys makes me this really cool drink. It's having like this dry ice effect and it's really cool and I was super impressed that this guy was making these really kick ass martini drinks. Anyways, to make a long story short. He made drinks. I drank them. It was a cool party.
Fast forward to the next night. I go BACK to the apartment to just kick it because apparently in just that one night we became best friends. I still get the feeling that I knew them through Jamey, but Katie and her boyfriend, Jon, are coming to hang out in a bit, too, and so I'm there waiting for them to show up. It's just me hanging out with the 2 guys that live in the loft. They're kind of like what are you doing here by yourself? but they never say anything. The weird part about the dream was that this time there was like no floor. There was just like a few walking "carpet squares" and then it was just dark space plummeting very, very far down. So I'm sitting there on the couch and I'm like, "wait! Didn't there used to be a floor here last night?" The guys are so non-chalont (I know I'm spelling that word wrong. Someone help me out on it cuz I'm so off spell check doesn't recognize it and I can't think of a better word to use) about the whole situation and were like, "nope!" and I'm all, "No. I know there was a floor here last night. I think I would have remembered if there wasn't a floor here." Then the guy was like, "Yeah, I laced your drink last night with a lemon hallucinogen so you would think we had a floor last night." Then I freaked out and I'm all, "I totally don't do that kind of thing. We can't be friends. I'm totally not going to be here." and I try and leave, but I can't figure out how to take the elevator out of this floor-less apartment. The only way for me to like get out is to use a dvd so I take National Treasure 3 (apparently this must be like far in the future since National Treasure 3 doesn't exist, but it looked like it was going to be a good one based on the cover. It was like National Treasure 3: The hunt in Shang-Hai or something like that) and I left.
Ok. Now people say our dreams are either 1. a wish your heart makes or 2. has a hidden meaning behind what you are feeling or what you really want to say. What the heck could this possibly even mean? This is like one of the weirdest dreams I've EVER had. Ok. I totally just wasted 20 minutes of sleeping time. I think I can get 5 more minutes in. :) Haha!
So, I was dreaming that I went to this really cool party. It wasn't like this huge party--there was maybe like 5 of us total. I didn't know the people hosting the party but I got the sense that I knew them through either my best friend, Katie, or through my roommate, Jamey. I was there with 1 other girl and the rest were guys. I didn't recognize any of the people from the dream from my real life, but I kind of recognized the people. I think they were like people I had seen off of like CBS shows I've never watched (like The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother)
Anyways, so I'm at this really swanky apartment and it's just really cool. It's like a downtown loft. I'm sitting at like their island and one of the guys makes me this really cool drink. It's having like this dry ice effect and it's really cool and I was super impressed that this guy was making these really kick ass martini drinks. Anyways, to make a long story short. He made drinks. I drank them. It was a cool party.
Fast forward to the next night. I go BACK to the apartment to just kick it because apparently in just that one night we became best friends. I still get the feeling that I knew them through Jamey, but Katie and her boyfriend, Jon, are coming to hang out in a bit, too, and so I'm there waiting for them to show up. It's just me hanging out with the 2 guys that live in the loft. They're kind of like what are you doing here by yourself? but they never say anything. The weird part about the dream was that this time there was like no floor. There was just like a few walking "carpet squares" and then it was just dark space plummeting very, very far down. So I'm sitting there on the couch and I'm like, "wait! Didn't there used to be a floor here last night?" The guys are so non-chalont (I know I'm spelling that word wrong. Someone help me out on it cuz I'm so off spell check doesn't recognize it and I can't think of a better word to use) about the whole situation and were like, "nope!" and I'm all, "No. I know there was a floor here last night. I think I would have remembered if there wasn't a floor here." Then the guy was like, "Yeah, I laced your drink last night with a lemon hallucinogen so you would think we had a floor last night." Then I freaked out and I'm all, "I totally don't do that kind of thing. We can't be friends. I'm totally not going to be here." and I try and leave, but I can't figure out how to take the elevator out of this floor-less apartment. The only way for me to like get out is to use a dvd so I take National Treasure 3 (apparently this must be like far in the future since National Treasure 3 doesn't exist, but it looked like it was going to be a good one based on the cover. It was like National Treasure 3: The hunt in Shang-Hai or something like that) and I left.
Ok. Now people say our dreams are either 1. a wish your heart makes or 2. has a hidden meaning behind what you are feeling or what you really want to say. What the heck could this possibly even mean? This is like one of the weirdest dreams I've EVER had. Ok. I totally just wasted 20 minutes of sleeping time. I think I can get 5 more minutes in. :) Haha!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Banking on a snow day!
I stayed up until 5am this morning because 1. I was talking on the phone and 2. I was banking on a snow day. Terrible idea in theory because whenever you are banking on something happening--it usually doesn't!! I finally go to sleep and I abruptly wake up and check my phone to see the time--5:45AM. I'm all disappointed because they usually call a delay or cancellation between 5:30 and 5:45am. Shoot! I just got like 3 hours of sleep and am going to have to go into work in another hour. Pouting, I toss my phone into my headboard shelf and try to maximize my sleep time...
5:46AM--I receive a text message...Waterloo schools is closed for the day. :)
Sometimes things just don't happen when you think they're going to or when you think they should. I turned off my alarm and turned off my phone and blissfully slept until 11:30am. I guess sometimes it's ok to bank on a snow day.
5:46AM--I receive a text message...Waterloo schools is closed for the day. :)
Sometimes things just don't happen when you think they're going to or when you think they should. I turned off my alarm and turned off my phone and blissfully slept until 11:30am. I guess sometimes it's ok to bank on a snow day.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Only in Waterloo...
Ok, so I'm always telling stories to my friends and family and they tell me I need to blog about this stuff. Perhaps I'll try and be a bit better.
So my lunch shift got moved around today so I had an hour block. I decided to go to my "usual spot" which is under the bridge in the public parking lot and just listen to some music and enjoy the peace and quiet. I'm sitting there facing traffic thinking about how I haven't had a "People of Walmart" experience and I was pretty bummed out about it WHEN this old school white beat up Ford Taurus comes whipping around the corner. This car has dents all over it and it's rusting. The car starts to slow down because the front driver's side tire is starting to wobble. Now, I perked up a little bit because I was just hoping that this would be like my Waterloo "People of Walmart" type experience. I was like Oh Lordy. I am not going to be able to contain myself if anything happens to this car. Just then--the wheel fell off the car and continued to roll down the street. At this point, I'm dieing of laughter because I mean, how often does stuff like this really happen? I duck down because the car is directly in front of me and I don't really want them to see me hysterically laughing. Anyways, I think they were a little shocked (I mean, wouldn't you be hella shocked too if your tire just totally was rolling down the road without you??) They tried to drive a little bit further, but obviously they couldn't get anywhere. They park their car like diagonally so it's totally blocking traffic. It's a 45 here and so people are almost hitting the car because of the whole situation.
So I'm trying to contain myself because Waterloo never fails to make me laugh and this black couple gets out of the car to check out the situation. Now, I'm not trying to be mean, but it was the icing on the cake when they got out of the car and were in like total 80's garb. I mean we're talking the neon-ish colored sweatsuits with the sideways turned hat that was wayyy too small. This did not help my laughter at all!!! This couple was probably in their late 40's early 50's so the clothes were probably actually from their closet/what they wore in the actual 80's. So they get out of their car and they are just like pacing around the car and looking at each other and then back at their car looking completely flabbergasted.
At this point it was time for me to head to my next school so I didn't get to see what happened to them. I keep looking out my window to see if I can see anything because it was only 2 block from work, but I can't see anything. What a shame. But as I'm sitting here, I keep just bursting out with laughter. I really can't control it. People keep adding comments about the situation that make it impossible for me to get any work done. It's absolutely ridiculous!!
So, in conclusion...only in Waterloo do you see stuff like this. I'm amazed every day at all the crazy shenanigans that go on.
More adventures to come...
So my lunch shift got moved around today so I had an hour block. I decided to go to my "usual spot" which is under the bridge in the public parking lot and just listen to some music and enjoy the peace and quiet. I'm sitting there facing traffic thinking about how I haven't had a "People of Walmart" experience and I was pretty bummed out about it WHEN this old school white beat up Ford Taurus comes whipping around the corner. This car has dents all over it and it's rusting. The car starts to slow down because the front driver's side tire is starting to wobble. Now, I perked up a little bit because I was just hoping that this would be like my Waterloo "People of Walmart" type experience. I was like Oh Lordy. I am not going to be able to contain myself if anything happens to this car. Just then--the wheel fell off the car and continued to roll down the street. At this point, I'm dieing of laughter because I mean, how often does stuff like this really happen? I duck down because the car is directly in front of me and I don't really want them to see me hysterically laughing. Anyways, I think they were a little shocked (I mean, wouldn't you be hella shocked too if your tire just totally was rolling down the road without you??) They tried to drive a little bit further, but obviously they couldn't get anywhere. They park their car like diagonally so it's totally blocking traffic. It's a 45 here and so people are almost hitting the car because of the whole situation.
So I'm trying to contain myself because Waterloo never fails to make me laugh and this black couple gets out of the car to check out the situation. Now, I'm not trying to be mean, but it was the icing on the cake when they got out of the car and were in like total 80's garb. I mean we're talking the neon-ish colored sweatsuits with the sideways turned hat that was wayyy too small. This did not help my laughter at all!!! This couple was probably in their late 40's early 50's so the clothes were probably actually from their closet/what they wore in the actual 80's. So they get out of their car and they are just like pacing around the car and looking at each other and then back at their car looking completely flabbergasted.
At this point it was time for me to head to my next school so I didn't get to see what happened to them. I keep looking out my window to see if I can see anything because it was only 2 block from work, but I can't see anything. What a shame. But as I'm sitting here, I keep just bursting out with laughter. I really can't control it. People keep adding comments about the situation that make it impossible for me to get any work done. It's absolutely ridiculous!!
So, in conclusion...only in Waterloo do you see stuff like this. I'm amazed every day at all the crazy shenanigans that go on.
More adventures to come...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
101 Excuses My Husband Makes
As Zac and I were going to sleep I mentioned all the things that needed to be done around the house to get it clean--I received an excuse. I told him he should write a book of excuses because he had so many. (He said variety is the spice of life, but I think he's ridiculous!!) He said he didn't have that many, but we got to laughing when I started to make fun of him with all his excuses. It usually goes something like this...
Me: Honey, can you do (insert job I need done)?
Zac: (select excuse from list)
1. I have a headache
2. I'm really tired from work
3. The game is on--I'll do it at commercial (but "commercial" never comes)
4. I don't have (insert material needed to do job here) to do it.
5. The grass is wet.
6. All the hot water is gone.
7. How about I do it first thing tomorrow after work? (first thing after work arrives and I get excuse #1-6)
Ugh...do I really seem that stupid?
Me: Honey, can you do (insert job I need done)?
Zac: (select excuse from list)
1. I have a headache
2. I'm really tired from work
3. The game is on--I'll do it at commercial (but "commercial" never comes)
4. I don't have (insert material needed to do job here) to do it.
5. The grass is wet.
6. All the hot water is gone.
7. How about I do it first thing tomorrow after work? (first thing after work arrives and I get excuse #1-6)
Ugh...do I really seem that stupid?
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