Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What's in a dream?

Ok, I'm blogging about this right now while I could be sleeping (and we all know how much I love sleeping) because I just had the weirdest dream and I don't want to forget it.

So, I was dreaming that I went to this really cool party. It wasn't like this huge party--there was maybe like 5 of us total. I didn't know the people hosting the party but I got the sense that I knew them through either my best friend, Katie, or through my roommate, Jamey. I was there with 1 other girl and the rest were guys. I didn't recognize any of the people from the dream from my real life, but I kind of recognized the people. I think they were like people I had seen off of like CBS shows I've never watched (like The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother)

Anyways, so I'm at this really swanky apartment and it's just really cool. It's like a downtown loft. I'm sitting at like their island and one of the guys makes me this really cool drink. It's having like this dry ice effect and it's really cool and I was super impressed that this guy was making these really kick ass martini drinks. Anyways, to make a long story short. He made drinks. I drank them. It was a cool party.

Fast forward to the next night. I go BACK to the apartment to just kick it because apparently in just that one night we became best friends. I still get the feeling that I knew them through Jamey, but Katie and her boyfriend, Jon, are coming to hang out in a bit, too, and so I'm there waiting for them to show up. It's just me hanging out with the 2 guys that live in the loft. They're kind of like what are you doing here by yourself? but they never say anything. The weird part about the dream was that this time there was like no floor. There was just like a few walking "carpet squares" and then it was just dark space plummeting very, very far down. So I'm sitting there on the couch and I'm like, "wait! Didn't there used to be a floor here last night?" The guys are so non-chalont (I know I'm spelling that word wrong. Someone help me out on it cuz I'm so off spell check doesn't recognize it and I can't think of a better word to use) about the whole situation and were like, "nope!" and I'm all, "No. I know there was a floor here last night. I think I would have remembered if there wasn't a floor here." Then the guy was like, "Yeah, I laced your drink last night with a lemon hallucinogen so you would think we had a floor last night." Then I freaked out and I'm all, "I totally don't do that kind of thing. We can't be friends. I'm totally not going to be here." and I try and leave, but I can't figure out how to take the elevator out of this floor-less apartment. The only way for me to like get out is to use a dvd so I take National Treasure 3 (apparently this must be like far in the future since National Treasure 3 doesn't exist, but it looked like it was going to be a good one based on the cover. It was like National Treasure 3: The hunt in Shang-Hai or something like that) and I left.

Ok. Now people say our dreams are either 1. a wish your heart makes or 2. has a hidden meaning behind what you are feeling or what you really want to say. What the heck could this possibly even mean? This is like one of the weirdest dreams I've EVER had. Ok. I totally just wasted 20 minutes of sleeping time. I think I can get 5 more minutes in. :) Haha!

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